Student feedback
If this option is enabled, a link to a popup feedback window will be displayed whenever the student clicks on the "Check" button. The feedback window allows students to send feedback to the teacher regarding the quiz.
This option can have the following settings:
no feedback window will be displayed
Web page
a web page will be displayed in the feedback window.
You will need to enter the URL of the web page, for example:
Feedback form
a form suitable for sending to a standard form-to-email script,
such as, will be displayed in the feedback window.
You should also enter the URL of the form script, for example:
Moodle forum
the forum index for this Moodle course will be displayed
Moodle messaging
the Moodle instant messaging window will be displayed.
If the course has several teachers, the student will be
prompted to select a teacher before the messaging page appears.
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